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Pregnancy Yoga & Birth Preparation

These prenatal sessions incorporate traditional yoga postures, deep relaxation and soothing comfort techniques for birthing.

This is more than a yoga class! Each week we focus our discussions on a different aspect of pregnancy and birth. You also get the opportunity to meet others like you in a safe, relaxed environment!

Gentle and safe for all birthing people, whether you are a complete beginner or have years of practice!

April 2 @ 18:30
18:30 — 19:45 (1h 15')


Becky Grimwood


Moontree Blog

Our Thoughts & Musings

Peek Inside our Women's Winter Wellness Retreat

Our Women's Winter Wellness Retreat was amazing!

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Introducing.... Moontree Kids Yoga!

We are so excited to bring children's yoga to Moontree! Introducing... Moontree Kids!

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Do you adore your pelvic floor?

"Yes yes, I know I know. I’ll do my pelvic floor exercises, I will. Tomorrow I’ll start and I’ll do them every day…" Sound familiar?

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