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Monthly Mini-Retreats

Come and join us for a morning of complete and utter you-time!


  • Rejuvenating Luna yoga flow
  • Yummy treats provided by the wonderful Chestnut & Rose
  • 30 min Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep!)

Only £30 investment!


Held in Brantham Village Hall 9.30am-12pm.

2023 dates

  • Sat 25th Feb
  • Sat 18th Mar
  • Sat 22nd Apr
  • Sat 20th May
  • Sat 24th Jun

"I feel like a different person!"

"I had no idea how much I needed that!"

"What a wonderful start to the weekend!"

Moontree Blog

Our Thoughts & Musings

Peek Inside our Women's Winter Wellness Retreat

Our Women's Winter Wellness Retreat was amazing!

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Introducing.... Moontree Kids Yoga!

We are so excited to bring children's yoga to Moontree! Introducing... Moontree Kids!

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Do you adore your pelvic floor?

"Yes yes, I know I know. I’ll do my pelvic floor exercises, I will. Tomorrow I’ll start and I’ll do them every day…" Sound familiar?

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