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8 Limbs Of Yoga - What Is Pranayama?

Pranayama, the 4th limb, refers to the practice of breathing exercises which clear the physical and emotional obstacles in our body.

Pranayama has a relaxing, healing and energising effect on the body, increasing and balancing the life energy (prana) in our system. The mind and prana are often said to be like the two wings of a bird - they act and move in accordance with the other ??

Although it can be practiced at any point, you will find it is commonly used throughout a yoga class - a focus on the breath to start, during the physical practice (inhale open, exhale compress) and during the meditation at the end.

We incorporate pranayama into all our classes as the benefits are HUGE, to name a few....

? Decreases stress
? Improves quality of sleep
? Increases mindfulness
? Comfort during birth

I pick different yogic breathing techniques for each class to help you get into the zone and to provide you with some amazing tools to help you in your day-to-day life.

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"Yes yes, I know I know. I’ll do my pelvic floor exercises, I will. Tomorrow I’ll start and I’ll do them every day…" Sound familiar?

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